Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Preview to this weekends cake...

So this little baby took me over an hour to do!! 
I didn't use any special tools, just a knife..a toothpick...cornstarch..and a medicine cup! 
Not sure if you can technically call it a specific flower cuz I made it up..I'll call it, toothpick flower..scratch bout the Ginormous Pistil Flower! For those of you that don't know what a Pistil is: It is the huge bulge in the middle of my flower! I realized way too late that the middle part was too big for the petals but it gives the flower character so I'm keeping it!
I'm making a fancy cake for an event this weekend and since these take F-O-R-E-V-E-R to do I thought I would get started! I've got four more to go...Wish me luck!   

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